10 Indigenous participants successfully completed the University of Northern British Columbia’s (UNBC) Environmental Monitoring certificate course.
In an effort to further address Indigenous groups’ interest in monitoring during project construction, build practical understanding of its environmental mitigation measures, and facilitate Indigenous employment and training opportunities, one of Cokel's clients provided participants the opportunity to take UNBC’s Environmental Monitoring certificate course. 10 students have successfully earned their professional certificate needed to work as an environmental monitor.

“I decided to take the course to gain a better understanding of my role as an environmental monitor and see what career options there are. I hope to apply my learning to make our team reports more in-depth and help people better understand why we are trying to protect and preserve the environment,” stated Makayla Beck, a participant from the Métis Nation of Alberta Region 3, who plans to further her learning in environmental studies.
About The Course
The course’s learning outcomes ranged from roles and responsibilities of an environmental monitor, to reading maps and drawings, to water quality, vegetation and wildlife monitoring. This certificate course teaches students the ORCA model, which is the system used by environmental monitors to observe, record, communicate and archive data to mitigate or respond to potential environmental impacts.
Participants Thoughts
My biggest learning from the course is the importance of water to humans and animals and how we can protect this precious commodity for everyone, including future generations. It was interesting to learn about all the animals that are extinct, or getting there, and I would like to be a part of reversing this trend. The course has definitely inspired me to pursue an environmental career,” stated Lorna Cattleman from Montana First Nation.
Cole Gauthier of Kelly Lake First Nation expressed, “It was refreshing to learn the rules and regulations of things like the Fisheries Act.”
Cokel is 100% Indigenous Owned
We at Cokel believe listening and sharing stories is one of the best ways to understand the deep roots of the Indigenous People of Canada and to learn more about their heritage, traditions and culture. It is important for everyone in Canada, but especially those working hand-in-hand with Indigenous peoples of Canada to break down any misconceptions and to take time to get to know their team. We are so proud of our participants for taking this step to better their education and proud to be able to offer these opportunities.
